Yantou came to Deshan's place. With a foot on each side of the threshold, he asked, "Is this holy? Is this ordinary?"
Deshan roared.
Yantou bowed politely.
Hearing about this, Dongshan said, "No one but clearsighted Yantou would have understood that."
Yantou said, "That good old boy Dongshan can't tell good from bad. At that moment I raised up with one hand and pressed down with the other."
This website's name was inspired by the above koan, Case 22 from The Book Of Serenity. Shortly after deciding on that, the image of an ocean wave came to mind: the way the wave gathers and builds, crests, bows and then roars onto shore, recedes, returns to that from which it came, comes forth again - a continual flow of expression and renewal. This flow has a lot in common with a human life, witnessed and felt in our daily living, our larger endeavors, the long arc of existence. This is a place to explore and share what it is to lead such a life, our individual expressions feeding the larger source from which they come, and vice versa.
At this site you'll be able to listen to some dharma talks, be made aware of upcoming events, read some occasional thoughts and musings, and enjoy a koan once in a while. I also look forward to hearing from you and taking up these matters together, which you can do through the Contact page.
Deshan roared.
Yantou bowed politely.
Hearing about this, Dongshan said, "No one but clearsighted Yantou would have understood that."
Yantou said, "That good old boy Dongshan can't tell good from bad. At that moment I raised up with one hand and pressed down with the other."
This website's name was inspired by the above koan, Case 22 from The Book Of Serenity. Shortly after deciding on that, the image of an ocean wave came to mind: the way the wave gathers and builds, crests, bows and then roars onto shore, recedes, returns to that from which it came, comes forth again - a continual flow of expression and renewal. This flow has a lot in common with a human life, witnessed and felt in our daily living, our larger endeavors, the long arc of existence. This is a place to explore and share what it is to lead such a life, our individual expressions feeding the larger source from which they come, and vice versa.
At this site you'll be able to listen to some dharma talks, be made aware of upcoming events, read some occasional thoughts and musings, and enjoy a koan once in a while. I also look forward to hearing from you and taking up these matters together, which you can do through the Contact page.